I Have To Gap PC

AKA: 2P 2P 2P

Goldlewis Rating: 2266 ±144 (106 games) #4 Goldlewis #48 Overall

Top rating: 2282±104 (2024-09-22)

Top defeated: Afromen (BE) 2076±109 (2024-09-23)

Match History


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Matchup Games Win rate Rating offset
Asuka 6 100.0% +137 ±395
Elphelt 3 100.0% +117 ±460
A.B.A. 5 100.0% +107 ±454
Leo 9 100.0% +81 ±339
Axl 6 100.0% +78 ±321
Goldlewis 6 100.0% +65 ±464
Sol 3 100.0% +45 ±589
Slayer 5 100.0% +28 ±400
Nagoriyuki 3 100.0% +26 ±605
Sin 6 83.0% -10 ±319
Faust 18 83.0% -17 ±184
Bedman? 6 67.0% -54 ±296
Anji 6 83.0% -73 ±368
Potemkin 9 89.0% -119 ±350
Giovanna 9 89.0% -223 ±253
Chipp 6 83.0% -259 ±328
Overall 106 91.0%

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