Tones of the Def PC

AKA: Rifleman

Chipp Rating: 2014 ±186 (69 games)

Top rating: 2027±123 (2024-06-06)

Top defeated: Email prodigy (GO) 2092±145 (2024-06-07)

Match History


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Matchup Games Win rate Rating offset
Nagoriyuki 3 100.0% +228 ±395
Elphelt 6 100.0% +188 ±372
Bridget 3 100.0% +103 ±505
May 3 100.0% +93 ±489
Chipp 3 100.0% +62 ±475
Goldlewis 6 50.0% +55 ±274
Testament 2 100.0% -23 ±549
Slayer 32 81.0% -65 ±157
Happy Chaos 6 83.0% -143 ±296
Asuka 5 60.0% -252 ±381
Overall 69 83.0%