Borkl PC

AKA: Unattended Child

Slayer Rating: 1696 ±137 (387 games) #937 Slayer

Top rating: 1700±137 (2024-07-03)

Top defeated: Tones of the Def (CH) 2027±123 (2024-06-06)

Match History


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Matchup Games Win rate Rating offset
Asuka 3 100.0% +389 ±380
Johnny 7 86.0% +226 ±285
Testament 8 75.0% +82 ±307
Potemkin 31 58.0% +65 ±144
Baiken 25 56.0% +51 ±206
Elphelt 6 67.0% +32 ±282
Bridget 9 44.0% +27 ±265
Giovanna 7 57.0% +16 ±264
A.B.A. 15 47.0% -2 ±217
Happy Chaos 9 56.0% -7 ±250
Millia 11 36.0% -51 ±217
Ky 12 67.0% -66 ±214
Sin 8 50.0% -70 ±277
Sol 15 47.0% -98 ±200
Axl 9 33.0% -113 ±277
May 6 50.0% -126 ±279
Slayer 163 47.0% -135 ±101
Jack-O' 6 33.0% -179 ±308
Chipp 12 17.0% -195 ±278
Bedman? 10 20.0% -199 ±235
Anji 6 17.0% -199 ±316
Faust 9 11.0% -301 ±319
Overall 387 48.0%