The Snorbbler PC

Elphelt Rating: 1665 ±136 (59 games) #148 Elphelt

Top rating: 1658±128 (2024-07-01)

Top defeated: THE FOOL? (JN) 1894±65 (2024-06-17)

Match History


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Matchup Games Win rate Rating offset
Johnny 4 50.0% +185 ±376
Potemkin 9 56.0% +27 ±234
Sol 9 56.0% +24 ±248
Slayer 15 60.0% +8 ±210
Baiken 3 67.0% -32 ±364
Anji 3 33.0% -88 ±370
A.B.A. 10 30.0% -153 ±226
Chipp 3 0.0% -254 ±422
Ky 3 0.0% -317 ±442
Overall 59 46.0%