league of legend PC

AKA: bigballs66 fortnite guilty gear stri rps demon

Millia Rating: 1575 ±297 (22 games)

Top defeated: Coolporte² (KY) 1622±105 (2024-07-15)

Match History


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Matchup Games Win rate Rating offset
Johnny 3 100.0% +204 ±374
Ky 3 67.0% +122 ±374
Slayer 2 100.0% +42 ±428
Happy Chaos 3 67.0% +13 ±365
Testament 3 33.0% -63 ±361
Nagoriyuki 1 0.0% -137 ±495
Faust 3 33.0% -141 ±370
Potemkin 4 25.0% -226 ±393
Overall 22 55.0%

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