ZephyrVat PC

A.B.A. Rating: 2176 ±91 (704 games) #4 A.B.A. #75 Overall

Top rating: 2260±128 (2024-06-08)

Top defeated: Bocchi The Glock (HA) 2163±95 (2024-06-14)

Match History


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Matchup Games Win rate Rating offset
Ky 58 98.0% +243 ±236
I-No 9 100.0% +204 ±515
Johnny 22 95.0% +159 ±282
Sol 46 98.0% +144 ±291
Bridget 3 100.0% +134 ±547
Sin 32 94.0% +126 ±227
Axl 14 100.0% +111 ±408
Goldlewis 2 100.0% +106 ±658
Chipp 16 81.0% +98 ±240
Anji 24 92.0% +89 ±258
Zato-1 2 100.0% +80 ±607
Nagoriyuki 49 94.0% +63 ±231
Bedman? 28 93.0% +63 ±242
Jack-O' 30 93.0% +36 ±225
A.B.A. 3 100.0% +27 ±500
Baiken 21 95.0% +12 ±368
Faust 47 91.0% +3 ±190
Potemkin 62 89.0% -54 ±176
Ramlethal 15 80.0% -62 ±277
Happy Chaos 9 67.0% -82 ±335
May 39 87.0% -100 ±219
Slayer 77 87.0% -130 ±152
Millia 12 83.0% -133 ±327
Leo 25 88.0% -133 ±316
Testament 18 72.0% -138 ±232
Asuka 12 67.0% -188 ±232
Elphelt 23 87.0% -189 ±247
Giovanna 6 83.0% -225 ±505
Overall 704 90.0%

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