Birthday Train PC

AKA: RedIAmNot The Great Gapsby

Goldlewis Rating: 2381 ±101 (275 games) #1 Goldlewis #12 Overall

Top rating: 2402±111 (2024-10-06)

Top defeated: Frijoles (FA) 2358±140 (2024-10-06)

Match History


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Matchup Games Win rate Rating offset
Leo 15 93.0% +160 ±277
Axl 55 93.0% +101 ±208
Asuka 8 100.0% +96 ±455
Jack-O' 1 100.0% +80 ±568
Nagoriyuki 9 100.0% +75 ±411
Giovanna 1 100.0% +55 ±681
Slayer 19 100.0% +29 ±339
Sin 18 94.0% +22 ±315
A.B.A. 6 100.0% +0 ±581
May 5 100.0% -2 ±569
Testament 6 100.0% -17 ±458
Elphelt 2 100.0% -20 ±621
Faust 11 64.0% -25 ±236
I-No 3 100.0% -96 ±555
Ramlethal 1 100.0% -108 ±669
Goldlewis 3 100.0% -110 ±444
Potemkin 21 71.0% -133 ±182
Baiken 3 100.0% -141 ±397
Ky 19 95.0% -173 ±338
Anji 21 81.0% -177 ±202
Chipp 11 82.0% -183 ±276
Johnny 18 89.0% -196 ±240
Millia 9 89.0% -298 ±450
Sol 6 83.0% -335 ±381
Bridget 4 75.0% -434 ±484
Overall 275 90.0%

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