RedIAmNot PC

AKA: The Great Gapsby

Goldlewis Rating: 2305 ±187 (153 games)

Top rating: 2333±149 (2024-07-02)

Top defeated: cooked on cH (AX) 2139±58 (2024-06-23)

Match History


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Matchup Games Win rate Rating offset
Nagoriyuki 9 100.0% +150 ±411
Axl 37 95.0% +145 ±187
Slayer 19 100.0% +104 ±339
Asuka 5 100.0% +103 ±450
Testament 6 100.0% +58 ±458
I-No 3 100.0% -21 ±555
Anji 3 100.0% -28 ±602
Ramlethal 1 100.0% -33 ±669
Goldlewis 3 100.0% -35 ±444
Sin 15 93.0% -37 ±284
Potemkin 6 100.0% -65 ±474
Baiken 3 100.0% -66 ±397
Ky 16 94.0% -119 ±217
Sol 6 83.0% -260 ±381
Chipp 5 80.0% -266 ±368
Millia 6 83.0% -277 ±429
Bridget 4 75.0% -358 ±484
Johnny 6 67.0% -467 ±375
Overall 153 93.0%

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