Bigbootyman445 PC

AKA: The Love Doctor

Goldlewis Rating: 1975 ±199 (93 games)

Top rating: 2061±134 (2024-05-29)

Top defeated: ooeygooeysnicker (AN) 2175±78 (2024-06-10)

Match History


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Matchup Games Win rate Rating offset
Anji 48 56.0% +178 ±114
Goldlewis 3 67.0% +119 ±357
Faust 3 67.0% +63 ±357
Testament 9 33.0% +8 ±229
Happy Chaos 3 100.0% -146 ±376
Slayer 12 67.0% -182 ±233
Elphelt 15 33.0% -212 ±196
Overall 93 54.0%

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