The Drink PC

AKA: BallLikeANugget DON'T "AWW" ME Disasterology Double Backflip Kon Queso MM..Food Money Folder Move and Groove Right Foot Creep SIR YES SIR OORA Space Hos The Neemer WILL U STILL U WOMEN.

A.B.A. Rating: 1867 ±266 (78 games)

Top rating: 1862±122 (2024-07-08)

Top defeated: The Snorbbler (PO) 1973±61 (2024-07-08)

Match History


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Matchup Games Win rate Rating offset
I-No 6 100.0% +207 ±313
May 3 100.0% +204 ±379
Ky 6 83.0% +155 ±284
Nagoriyuki 3 100.0% +78 ±516
Sin 2 100.0% +51 ±458
Goldlewis 12 75.0% +39 ±205
Potemkin 9 56.0% -49 ±246
Asuka 3 33.0% -56 ±366
Johnny 3 33.0% -75 ±362
Slayer 9 44.0% -210 ±281
Sol 15 40.0% -271 ±209
Bedman? 3 0.0% -377 ±570
Jack-O' 3 0.0% -495 ±409
Testament 1 0.0% -521 ±561
Overall 78 58.0%

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