RedDittoBad@GGST PC

AKA: Big Cube Fan BuffAsuka Fujimoto Hater Hua Hua HxH Save Me The Best Zando

Slayer Rating: 2058 ±237 (54 games)

Top rating: 2159±150 (2024-05-31)

Top defeated: i think im 8th (RA) 2160±96 (2024-05-31)

Match History


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Matchup Games Win rate Rating offset
Testament 6 100.0% +146 ±404
Baiken 3 100.0% +109 ±537
Potemkin 6 100.0% +100 ±398
Zato-1 3 100.0% +97 ±512
Ramlethal 18 44.0% +45 ±167
Sin 3 67.0% -129 ±417
Anji 3 100.0% -161 ±386
Slayer 12 75.0% -211 ±253
Overall 54 74.0%

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